At Bureau Fris, the past year was mainly about stability. In this blog, Augusta and Stephanie look back at 2022 and look ahead with anticipation to 2023, a year that will be all about growth. Growth in its broadest sense.
Rebuilding and innovation
Stephanie: ‘2021 was a particularly strange year for Bureau Fris and 2022 has been very much about rebuilding and innovation. We have been able to work extensively on stability within our team and optimising our processes. Our team is now truly a well-balanced team and our clients appreciate that. In particular, they choose us because of the quality we deliver, but also due to our customised and personalised approach. We understand our client’s situation and work alongside them, even when it involves challenging recruitments. In November, for example, we facilitated research throughout the Netherlands with large numbers of respondents and staff. Conducting interviews in shops and filling fridges in Amsterdam for a wide variety of taste tests! Our out-of-the-box thinking is highly appreciated by our clients. We also keep a close eye on our respondents, which is reflected in a good turnout. As such, customers give us feedback stating that they find us a pleasant and stable partner they enjoy working with.’
Now is the time to hit the ground running
Augusta: ‘Personalisation is very important to us and our customers notice that. One of the things our customer satisfaction survey revealed was that customers really like having their own, permanent account manager. We also value a high level of cooperation within the team. To facilitate that, we worked with Tuckman’s model, a team development model that identifies five phases: forming, storming, norming, performing and adjourning. In 2022, we went from storming to performing, quite an achievement. We experienced the storming phase as being restless and jumbled, and not everyone was moving at the same pace in terms of our developments, but now having entered the performance phase, now is the time for the team to hit the ground running. So at the end of November, during our weekly opener, we gave our team a big thumbs up for that.’
Back to the drawing board
‘During the strategy meeting, we engaged our entire team in thinking about our strategy for the coming year,’ Stephanie continued. ‘With that input, as a management team, we went back to the drawing board. The overall theme for 2023 is growth: growth in terms of our database, the business, and also the growth of our team. In doing so, we do not mean only figurative growth of the team, but also personal growth. How wonderful that there will now be space to do this once again!’
‘We have a wicked, cool team of people who are committed to each other’
Work hard, play hard
‘We have a wicked, cool team of people who are committed to each other,’ Augusta states. ‘We all work very hard together, but the parties are not short of fun either. Work hard, play hard, that’s the DNA of Bureau Fris. For instance, at the end of November, we celebrated meeting our October goals and, of course, we couldn’t miss out on our Sinterklaas game of dice. With delicious homemade soups and, of course, football
for the fans. Personally, what I am looking forward to are the international surveys that are on the way. Even organisations from outside the Dutch border now know how to find us – that’s cool, isn’t it?! Bring it on, we’re ready for it! ‘
Happy holidays
Do you have a research question? We are open between Christmas and New Year. Curious about our new tariffs for 2023? You can find those here, but we prefer to make a tailor-made proposal. After all, every inquiry and customer is unique. On behalf of all Bureau Fris employees, we would like to thank our clients for their trust and pleasant cooperation over the past year! We wish everyone Happy Holidays and a healthy and inspiring 2023, full of growth, optimism and warmth!
Would you like to discuss your ideas? Are you wondering what we can offer your organisation? Feel free to contact us without any obligation. We are happy to talk to you in further detail.